Join Patient Guards
Protect Yourself And Your Family From Medical Bill Nightmares
Patient Guards offers 365-day protection, expert advice, and unbeatable advocacy. With our low fees and proven success, we’re fighting for you every step of the way.
Others will not help unless bills are over $5,000 and then charge 15% of more.
We help our members regardless of the bill amount and our straight forward flat fees are designed to minmize further burden.
Our goal is to provide the resources for self-help whenever possible to avoid unecessary costs. However, when you need expert services, we stand by to fight for you.

Included In Membership
Our low membership fee makes it possible to provide the benefits detailed here. Many free resources plus the lowest cost expert advocacy when needed.
- Self Education With Weekly Live Web Seminars
- Medical Bill Accuraacy and Error Identification
- Dispute Inaccuracies
- Appeal Insurance Claim Processing Errors
- Balance Negotiation
- Finacial Assistance Guidance And Preparation

Unlimited Question Support Free
Ask a question 365 days a year. Unlimited questions answered by U.S.based live experts.

Free Bill Reviews
Bills reviewed for errors. If errors are found, a report with the errors and self resolution options is provided for a fee of $15.

Has a service been denied or not covered by insurance? An appeal is the step to take to have this reversed. The success of an appeal is largely dependent on the proper content in an appeal letter. Let experts with a high level of expertise and experience write your appeal for the best chance of a favorable decision.
If the error is on the part of the medical provider, we will advocate on your behalf for having the error corrected, When we identify an error, we will be unrelenting in having it corrected. Errors must be corrected. There is simply no room for any other outcome.

Self Help Review
For those that wish to attempt resolution on their own, we review your self-drafted letters and documents free to ensure the most effective and complete content.

Weekly Live Learning Web Seminars
Each Sunday evening, educational seminars providing an opportunity for self education on key topics.
Live seminars are at 8:00 PM Eastern Time.
All Seminars are available for review at any time after completion.